In a scandal that could make viewers hesitate a few moments before continuing to eat their lavender creme brulees, comes the report from
Reality TV World that the winner of Bravo's Top Chef competition may have been known and revealed...before it actually aired!
Read, and decide for yourself if someone deserves a bit of fat-free cupcake punishment:
Has Food & Wine magazine, one of Top Chef's sponsors, inadvertently revealed the reality show's second season winner by posting an interview with one of the culinary competition's two remaining finalists on its website on Monday afternoon -- two days before Top Chef 2's conclusion is scheduled to air on Bravo?
Yesterday afternoon, Eater LA, a blog that covers the Los Angeles restaurant, bar and nightlife scene, reported that a "reader" had discovered a Food & Wine website feature that the culinary magazine claimed was "a full-on interview with the Top Chef winner." The only problem is that Bravo hasn't revealed Top Chef's second season winner yet. One of the competition's two remaining contestants, Ilan Hall and Marcel Vigneron, will be crowned Top Chef 2's champion when Bravo airs the final part of the show's pre-taped two-part finale on Wednesday, January 31 at 10PM ET/PT
According to Eater LA, Food & Wine posted the "full-on interview" with Hall yesterday afternoon sometime between 3PM and 3:15PM before it "was quickly taken down." The article, which was titled "Bravo's New Top Chef Tells All," opened by saying, "How did Ilan Hall... beat out the 14 other contestants to become Top Chef on the Bravo reality show? And what's he planning on doing with the $100,000 he won?"
For more on this juicy reality tv tidbit, go
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