The July issue of Gourmet magazine had an article that, I’m sure, spooked a lot of people. It was called “Mercury Rising” and talked about the unhealthy levels of mercury found in the fish we eat. The author, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., says his doctor informed him that his mercury level was double the concentration that the EPA considers safe, due to his regular consumption of fish.
Another disturbing fact uncovered in the article was that one in six women have such high levels of mercury in their systems that, should they procreate, their children will run the risk of being born with organ damage, autism, blindness and mental retardation. The mercury threat is real, and consumers must make intelligent choices about the fish they eat.
Want to know which seafood is the best alternative for your health, the planet and your table? Visit the websites of Monterey Bay Aquarium and Oceans Alive for health and environmental profiles of seafood sold in the United States. The websites are easy to use and the information is clearly presented.
Monterey Bay Aquarium: http://www.mbayaq.org/cr/seafoodwatch.asp
Oceans Alive: http://www.oceansalive.org/eat.cfm?subnav=healthalerts
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