That's what happened when we finally launched TasteTV and as the new brand for the Indie Food Channel. We worked for months to make it happen (really, it was years), got the site up with the new look and the new topics, worked with our partner Brightcove, and included a selection of links to some of the best blogs on food and living, plus some vlogs and podcasts on the same topic. Our goal is to be inclusive, and give everyone who loves the best food, wine, design and restaurants in their city a voice on TasteTV, a chance to either be on, or to contribute their thoughs, whether that's in the form of a video program, or the blog they're currently running.
When it comes to blogs, there are just so many good ones that you could spend your entire day reading them, which is a bit of a Catch 22 situation. A) You're spending all day reading great blogs about new foods, recipes, and places to eat, but B) you're not actually eating the new foods, recipes, or going to the places to eat. But who can really blame anyone, the blogs are so darn good. Chocolate and Zucchini is at the top of the list, we all know, and Slashfood is hot, and Tablehopper (Marcia) keeps reporting all the news in the local scene. But then you've got some other blogs about Design, for example, that are fantastic, like Cool Hunting...which makes you want to go out and buy whatever they have just talked about.
So what did we do after getting up and running, and the TasteTV press release out the door, and started taking questions from people interested in being correspondents or wanting to have their programs considered for TasteTV? We went out to eat at a place in San Francisco called East Side West, which may not be the hottest new place but does have these really filling "buffalo wings" that are as big as regular chicken drumsticks, so a $5.00 snack turns into an actual meal. Then we drank some good Pinot Noir to wash it down. We stayed long enough to check out the very busy beautiful people "scene" that was happening on a beautiful summer night, and later I stopped by RNM to tell Justine Miner that her new segments were running on, and then went back to the office to tie up some loose ends.
But, what comes next? We'll let you know in 24 hours. (and answer all of those questions about how to become a correspondents or reviewer.
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